Tuesday 18 February 2014

Couple lock up dogs in flat for over two weeks

Couple lock up dogs in flat for over two weeks
The couple, who allegedly ran a dubious savings scheme, fled their home after locking up their pets on January 31
A German shepherd and a Labrador, left behind with little food or water, were rescued from Nalla Sopara flat on Monday.

Animal welfare activists on Monday rescued two pet dogs that had been locked up in a Nalla Sopara (E) flat for over two weeks. 

A male German shepherd named Tyson and a female Labrador called Gauri were left behind by their owners, a couple accused of cheating many people through a dubious savings scheme. 

The couple, Priya (45) and Vijay Pandagle (48), had not kept enough food and water for the dogs in their 280-sq ft flat in Matoshri Apartments. Neighbours were alerted when the dogs, which for some reason had kept quiet initially, began barking and yelping over the weekend. 

On Monday morning, they called firemen and members of People For Animals (PFA). But the rescuers could not initially enter the third-floor flat as Tyson had become aggressive. He calmed down after he and Gauri were given some food. 

The rescuers also found a tortoise in a washbasin inside the apartment. The two dogs are now under care at a government hospital for animals in Virar, and will be put up for adoption by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Thane, if the Pandagles fail to come forward. 

It was not immediately clear for how many days Tyson and Gauri hadn't eaten, but neighbours say the Pandagles have been missing from their home since January 31. 

"The German shepherd had become hostile, apparently out of hunger and thrist. We called the Vasai-Virar fire brigade to break open the door, but they were initially reluctant over fears that the dogs might attack them," said Pallavi Mehta, a volunteer with PFA's Virar office. 

The volunteers gave some food to the dogs through a sliding window, following which Tyson stopped barking. "Firemen then broke open the door," Mehta said. "The Labrador was shivering when we got to her." 

Vets say dogs could survive without food for more than aweek, but they need adequate water. 

The Pandagles, who had been living in the flat for 12 years, allegedly ran a chit fund and had taken money from several people, including neighbours. Last month, they disappeared with the cash. "Some of my friends contributed Rs 2,000 to the fund every month," said a neighbour, Anita Hanchate. The victims plan to approach the police.

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