Monday 24 February 2014

JJ dean gets court permission to see patients at St George’s

JJ dean gets court permission to see patients at St George’s
Lahane with a patient
Staff at J J Hospital took over 300 patients by ambulance to St George's Hospital to be examined by J J dean Dr T P Lahane, who has been barred by court from entering the hospital premises after he allegedly passed a casteist slur against a temporary sweeper working under him. 

Lahane was able to examine patients at St George's Hospital after he applied to the court fr permission to do so, on the grounds that several hundred patients from rural pockets had made prior appointments with him. Though the court refused to let him enter J J Hospital, it allowed him to examine patients at St George's. 

On Monday, around three hundred patients from different parts of the state had come to J J Hospital to get admitted for cataract operations, but since Lahane and the Dr Ragini Parekh, head of department, Opthalmology is on sick leave since a week, patients were asked to go back. 

However, patients were not ready to return home as they had come all the way to get treated, said a doctor with the Ophthalmology department. 

"These patients have already been examined by Lahane during a medical camp at their villages, and they were called to J J Hospital to get admitted for further treatment. Since Lahane was not available, we were forced to tell them to go back home," said another doctor. 

Lahane, who received frantic calls from patients, immediately sought permission from the Sessions Court to allow him to examine them at St George's Hospital so that patients don't suffer. 

Mayuri Jogdane, 8, had been brought to Mumbai from Latur district as she was suffering from dry-eye syndrome and needed urgent treatment, was checked and sent to J J Hospital to be admitted. 

"We are from a poor family. I can't afford her treatment at a private hospital, so I came all the way to meet Lahane and get her treated at a government hospital. I was disappointed when I was told that we would have to come back. However, Lahane examined my daughter on Monday and admitted her for further treatment. I feel abit relaxed now as my daughter needed urgent treatment," said Ramesh Jogdane, a farmer. 

On February 15, afer Lahane had allegedly passed a castiest slur against a temporary sweeper, the Sessions' Court restricted his from entering J J Hospital premises while granting him interim protection from arrest till February 25. 

Since Lahane resides on the campus, he will not be allowed to enter his quarters either.

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