Friday 28 February 2014

I could hear his screams in my sleep: Man admits to killing friend's lover

Saeed Majid walked into Shanti Nagar PS, confessed to helping friend kill gay partner in May '13.

It's not often that murderers walk in to a police station and confess their crime, but that's exactly what happened on Wednesday at the Shanti Nagar police station. Initially, when Bhiwandi resident Saeed Ahmad Abdul Majid (30) approached them saying he had helped murder a man a year ago, police were inclined to treat it as a joke, albeit in poor taste. 

However, when Majid insisted and offered to take them to where the body had been dumped, police started hearing him out with a little more seriousness. There were no doubts remaining after he led them to the skeletal remains of Faiyaz Ismail Qureshi, in a deserted part of Bhiwandi that local police, off the record, admit to skipping while on patrol. He was arrested on the spot, and Afsar Ali Shahzad Shah - whom he helped in killing Qureshi - was picked up from his residence, also in Bhiwandi. 

Majid told police that though he had not been worried while committing the crime, the weeks and months after the murder were unbearable. "I could never get it out of my mind. I could see the dead man wherever I went. I could hear his screams in my sleep. His murder scene would come to mind every time. It became too much for me to bear," he said in his statement. 

The memories that drove Majid to the police station had their roots in a hidden relationship between the deceased, Qureshi, and Shah. Both were Bhiwandi boys, aged 22 and 23 respectively, and had been in a gay relationship for two years. Majid said while Qureshi was serious about the relationship and wanted Shah to come out in the open about it, Shah wasn't. 

Trouble surfaced early last year when Shah told Qureshi that his parents wanted to get him married, and wanted to end their relationship. This led to frequent quarrels as Qureshi's insecurity deepened. Shah, who did not want his parents to know of his sexual orientation, finally decided to get rid of his lover, which is where Majid said he came into the picture. 

On May 13, 2013, Majid said in his statement, Shah took Qureshi to a secluded spot in Sai Nagar, Bhiwandi, where he was waiting as agreed. Shah and Majid overpowered Qureshi and strangled him with a nylon rope, later stabbing him with a screwdriver as well. After the murder, they left the body there and returned home. 

A day later, Qureshi's family registered a missing person complaint. The subsequent police search did not throw up any leads as to his whereabouts. 

PI (Crime) Manohar Pawar of Shanti Nagar PS said, "Both Shah and Qureshi were in a relationship and the former wanted to get rid of him out of fear of his family coming to know of it, and planned the murder with Majid. Both have been arrested."

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